Monday, August 5, 2013

(05-08-2013) How do you revive a tired seaside town? | Open thread [ Adv3nturTrav3l ]

How do you revive a tired seaside town? | Open thread Aug 5th 2013, 12:56

A study of coastal resorts has come up with some depressing results. Tell us how they could be helped to regenerate

Most people who grew up in Britain are likely to have fond memories of a certain coastal town where they would make an annual summer pilgrimage for sandcastle competitions and donkey rides. The rise of the cheap package holiday in the 1970s meant they fell out of favour, then the recession-enforced trend for “staycations” made some local resorts a popular option once again. But others remain deprived, and show no sign of coming back.

A new study by the Centre for Social Justice comparing five seaside towns – Rhyl, Margate, Clacton-on-Sea, Blackpool and Great Yarmouth – found high levels of unemployment, high teenage pregnancy rates and low property prices. With closed or deteriorating attractions and a lack of visitors, they are a far cry from the pleasure parks they once were.

West Bay in Dorset has experienced a surge in tourism after being used as the setting for ITV’s hit drama Broadchurch. Not all seaside towns have this kind of boost, but do they all deserve the chance to be regenerated to their former glory? What do you think would help this to happen?

  • Beach holidays
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  • Margate
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